Thursday, September 21, 2017


Faith is the foundation of the Christian life and is the principle that brings us to Jesus
Christ. It is faith that will make all the promises of God a reality in your life.

What Faith is Not:
Faith is not trying to make God do something for you. If you are trying to make God do something for you,that means you believe He has not done it. Faith begins where the will of God is known. If you don’t know God’s will in a situation then you cannot believe that God will help you.
The Word of God tells us that all the promises of God belong to us through Christ.

What is Faith?
We have found what faith is not, so what is faith? I looked in Hebrews 11:1 for a definition of faith, but could not find one that would satisfy me. The bible tells me that faith is the substance of things hoped for but what is faith? It tells me that faith is the evidence of things you cannot see, but what is faith?
Faith simply defined is: believing that you have something that does not exist in the physical, sensory, perceptive world that you live in. It does exist in the realm of the spirit but it has not yet manifested in the material world.

Faith reaches into the spiritual realm and takes hold of the promise of God’s Word and brings it into the realm of reality.

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