Saturday, May 27, 2017

"Embracing the day as another Lesson to be Learned"

As we strive to become the person we want to be, we often forgot the real us. 
Living this kind of place is like a race, sometimes we often use our mask to hide our real identity, which makes us sad. We used to make things which are opposite to our desire just to be accepted in this colloquial world. 
We became greedy any things in this world. We dream to become a superstar someday. We all wish to be someone who will have a special treatment from others. But does it really matter? I don't think so. 

I believe that we are all unique. Someone may be better than you in a specific matter, but I know that there's is something in your heart that is not same as the others. 

We have to accept ourselves. We have to appreciate our lives. We have to live our lives to the fullest. We may sometimes face various challenges that may let us down, but it is our heart that has to look for the positive side. 

Let me share this with you. 

Last Friday, I had a bible study with my aunts. The topic is all about the "Challenges before Success", according to the scripture reader, "God doesn't look at what you have achieved or how big your success is. God looks on the process of our success because, for him, the lessons we learned in the process is the success itself". 

Waking up in the morning is a present given to us. Each day is a day to embrace with a smile. New lessons are always on the track that needs to be learned by us.
God doesn't give us challenges that he knows we can't handle. He gives us challenges so we may improve our weaknesses. He makes us stronger so we can fight for ourselves.

We have to appreciate all the things that happen in our lives.  Though it is bad or good, we have to accept it wholeheartedly because that is the ultimate reason we became stronger.

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