Title: Small is
Beautiful by
E.F. Schumacher

Economic challenges
lies near in the heart of many matters,such as public concerns,public
health,government,people's welfare and especially in the world of business.
Part One
First and foremost,we
have to tackle what are the economic challenges our country faces from history
up to now. Some says that today we are living in the world full of
circumstances,circumstances that even ancient medieval philosopher had not
To continue with
this,may I ask you what our country thinks of resources?
Resources,from the word
itself "source",some are recyclable and some are not.
In our every day
living,we may think of what would happen if one of our basic needs is consume
in high rate,that even government cannot maneuver.
Energy sources are
classified as nonrenewable if they cannot be replenished in a short period of
time,unlike the solar and wind which can be replenished in a short period of
Fossil fuels were
formed from the buried remains of plants and animals that lived millions of
years ago,wherein according to Schumacher is an expendable income,for
him it should be treated as capital since it is not renewable. Good allocation
of fossil fuels should be maneuver with great care for it is used by many
Philippines is rich in
natural resources. It has fertile, arable lands, diverse flora and fauna,
extensive coastlines, and rich mineral deposits. About 30% of the land area of
the country was determined be geologically prospective by the Philippine Mines
and Geo-Sciences Bureau. But Only 1.5% of country's land area is covered with
mining permits. Despite the rich natural resources of the Philippines, the
government is restricting its exploitation. A logging ban is imposed on many
areas of the country and only in select areas are "sustainable
logging" allowed.
However illegal logging
and small-scale illegal mining continues in many areas. In July 2012, President
Benigno Aquino III ordered a stop to all mining activities in all (78 areas)
protected and eco-tourism sites. A positive step in the right direction to
protect the natural resources of the Philippines.
Oil can be concluded as
an important commodity of today's economy.Its supply to different country has a
great impact on its price.
What makes the oil
change its price is by means of "supply and demand",which is the
basic lesson in economics.But it is not only the thing that make the oil change
in price,there are many various reasons such as "Market sentiment" and "Cyclical
trends" which also play a dominant role.
Philippines as a
consumer of oil is greatly affected by Oil pricing,knowing that our economy is
not as strong as other Asian countries. Changes in the price of oil affects our
everyday. From transportation up to the very basic needs of people like food production.
Part Two
Great thinking comes
from great man. Schumacher believes that human being is naturally
brilliant. It has a unique quality that makes human different from any other
species. Motivation in someone's personality is important especially in Third
World countries.
For example,here in the
Philippines,we are blessed with our nature's beauty but it needs to be
If we will look back in
the past,we may think of western civilization on how they preserve their
history as well as their cultures and traditions. Many great philosophers and
thinkers were native of Western country,and up to now we still rely on their
theories and analysis which made our educational system a good one for giving
importance to those who share their knowledge for us to cope up with the
Education doesn't mean
having a "sobra saliente" grade, but it means learning on
something which you can use in real life situation.
The real value of
education is something to be kept in mind as treasure.
If we will relate this
in our country (Philippines) we can see great discrimination between
out-of-school youth and those who study. The problem is,people thinks that
out-of-school youths are those people who lacks brilliant mind,not knowing that
people has different situations. Some are due to broken family,some are due to
financial problem and some are due to the social classes that discriminates
those who cannot afford.
Land is an essential
thing in every country. It is where our home stands and where our foot,steps.
Man is a child of nature,and he is not the master of nature,or shall I say
"we are not the master of this nature"
To boost up the lesson,
the land is very important in Agriculture for it has a unique ability to be an
instrument to make various agricultural products such as
vegetables,fruits,grains and especially land as habitat for animals.
To continue with this,
People has a human nature of exploring new things to be unique over others. Its
like they want to experiment little things for them to be acknowledge by
In the world of
industry,it is quite important to know the season. For you to be able to
produce things that will be sold by consumers. For girls,beauty products is
very important. It is a well-known product many years before the 20th
The question is how can
we know the value of commodity? well it is simple as a basic two plus two math
problem. The value of commodity can be objectively measured by the average
number of labor hours required to produce the commodity.
To generate heat, nuclear
power is used. It includes nuclear fission, nuclear decay and nuclear fusion.
It helps in the way that it can produce electricity in a very low price
compared to solar energy.
But it can have a
slight risk of accidental contamination.
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